Invasive Ground Covers
The whole point of using a ground cover is to cover the ground, but ever so often it gets out of hand. It's easy enough to pull out and keep under control, but beware the following can get away from us:
- Bamboo (arundinaria spp.)
- Asparagus fern (asparagus springerri)
- Sea Oxeye daisy (Barrichia frutescens)
- Horsetail (Equisetum hyemale)
- Morning glory (Ipomoea spp.)
- Lantana (Lantana cumara)
- Matchweed (Lippia nodiflora)
- Japanese honeysuckle (lonicera japonica)
- Muhly grass (Muhlenbergra capillaris)
- Monkey plant (Ruellia makoyana)
- Sea purslane (Sesuvium portulac astrum)
- Purple heart (setcreasea pallida)
- Rain lily (zephyranthes spp. And hybrids)