Weigela florida

Weigela florida is part of a genus of 12 species of deciduous shrubs found in Japan, Korea, and Northeastern China. Weigelas are cultivated for their showy, bell or trumpet shaped pink to red (sometimes white or yellow) flowers. These flowers are about 1 1/2 inches long.
Most Weigela grow about 6 - 10 feet high and wide. W. Florida grows to about six feet. The plant needs space to show off their arching stems.
Weigela is a landscaper basic shrub because of its size and reliability. They grow in any fertile, well-drained soil in full sun or light shade. Most are frost hardy.
Prune out the older branches after flowering to enhance the growth.
You can root greenwood cuttings in early summer; semi-ripe cuttings in midsummer; and hardwood cuttings from autumn to winter.
Weigela florida does well in zones 6 - 10; some Weigela grow to zone 4.