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Have you been branded yet???

We've all heard of patented plants and trademarked goods, but the next thing coming is branded plants. As you are wearing Old Navy pants, Nike sneakers, and a Ralph Lauren shirt next year you may be planting designer plants if you have not done so already.

It was bound to happen. Everyone is doing it. One can see it everywhere: Renee Shepherd Seeds, Martha Stewart herbs, and Monrovia perennials.

Branding is certainly new to the green industry. How much into the future will they go? Time will tell.

Pick Something Successful

When one saw a Proven Winner, this was EuroAmerica's annual answer to the black thumbed gardener. Of course, why would you not pick something that was successful? Next to the poor generic no "namer" gosh who would want that? When it does become successful for you in the garden, you will shop again for another proven winner. It almost may not matter what the plant is.

By now, you have probably seen little cardboard butterflies and hummingbirds flying in pots at the nurseries. If the homework has been done correctly you can put your faith into these little brand tags. By picking up a few pots, you are on your way to a flying garden.

Marketing Tool

Certainly, this appears to be a logical marketing tool. As long as everyone is correct. Truth in advertising is sometimes hard to come by. Our hope is that plant people in the green business have a solid green conscience.

Bonnie Lee Appleton, professor of horticulture at the Virginia Technical University, agrees that this may be a good idea. Living in the Tidewater area, she can vision Seaside Winners: annuals, perennials, and woodland plants that would tolerate the salt. Her best funny alternative would be plants that are 'Downright for Awful Sites'. With a scary tag this just might work.

Branding definitely gives clarity and identifies the plant for specifics. People do identify quickly whether it is good or bad.

Already on the Market

By now, you may have seen Patti's Plants and Herb Herbert. They too have done some homework and will help you in immediate decisions. It certainly could help you create a less problematic garden.

The latest partnership developed is a joint effort on Monrovia's part with the National Audubon Society with red-container plants. These plants will have a label stating it is part of the Audubon Habitat Collection.

With any new change we can look forward to ups and down with the concept but certainly, it is all in the future.