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Gardening with Kids

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How to Create a Butterfly Garden

Interesting facts about Butterflies ' Jewels of the Sky'

Plant Materials that attract Butterflies

Herbs: bee balm, butterfly weed, dill, fennel, milkweed, parsley, meadow rue, rosemary, mints

Vines: honeysuckle, Jasmine, Wisteria, passion vine, Dutchman's pipe

Annuals:: Verbena, flat (French) marigolds, pentas, Mexican sunflower (tithonia), Zinnia (narrowleaf), Cosmos, asters, coreopsis, stokesia, impatiens ,clover, nasturtiums, coneflower rudbeckia, verbena

Perennials: Butterfly weed, Joe Pye Weed, Swamp sunflower, garden phlox, Autumn sun redbeckia, New England Aster. pentas, purple cone, black eyed Susan, coreopsis, Moss verbena (tenvisecta)

Shrubs: Abelia, Buddelia, Lantana. Firebush, Bottlebush, lantana virbrunum, plumbago, Azalea, Hibiscus

Other great resources:

Here is a resource that breaks down the good, the bad and the dangerous bugs commonly found in gardens. It's found here at sodgod.com

FTD has a good article on how to attract butterflies.

A small group of children collecting butterfly gardening resources suggested this butterfly page as a great resource: at Serenata.com they have a page on Butterfly Flower Gardens.

Planet Natural has a great Butterfly Gardening Resource Guide

A student at Union Free School District in New York suggests Garden Treasures - Where Do Butterflies Come From? as another helpful resource.

A reader suggests: Painted Lady Butterfly - a really great resource on the Painted Lady Butterfly and the metamorphosis process.

ButterflyPages.com - A collection of poems, stories, quotes and pictures all about butterflies.

House Plans and More has a good butterfly page.

www.butterflywebsite.com - Wow. What a beautiful site. With over 600 images this site will keep you busy. If you love those jewels in the sky, you'll love this one.

www.monarchwatch.org - The University of Kansas Entomology Program

www.learner.org/jnorth - A global study of wildlife management brought to you by Annenberg and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

www.ent.iastate.edu - Department of Entomology at Iowa State University

www.monarchlab.umn.edu - Explore Monarch Butterfly Biology with the University of Minnesota

www.naba.org - The North American Butterfly Association

www.xerces.org - The Xerces Society: Protecting biological diversity through invertebrate conservation.

Here is a good guide to North American Butterflies on a Wedding Site.