Look for mature, thoroughly colored bracts. Underdeveloped poinsettia taken into the home may never achieve its full bloom color.
- Avoid too much green around the bract edges.
- Make sure the smaller bracts surrounding the cyathia are lying horizontal - otherwise the plant will fade quickly.
- Look for plants with dark green foliage all the way down to the stem.
- The leaves should not be wilted or droopy.
- Look on the underside of the stems for signs of insect or diseases.
- Look for plants that are balanced. A proportioned poinsettia will have the plant being two thirds larger than the pot. For instance, in a six-inch pot, the plant should be 15 to 18 inches.
- Make sure there is protection in temperatures below 50 degrees where you buy the plant. Just a few seconds of cold wind or air will ruin a nice poinsettia.