Costus malortieanus
Spiral Ginger or Curly Ginger
This is a very unique looking evergreen perennial that has eight inch leaves growing in an ascending spiral on a single stem. Furthermore it has a beautiful tubular yellow flower around a deep green pinecone shaped bract.
The plant is from tropical America and Africa, grows in zones 11 - 12 (although this one is in the ground, year round in zone 9), and is mostly grown indoors as a houseplant.
The curly ginger requires acidic soil, bright, indirect light (could even grow in full shade), and high humidity. Lots of well drained water in the growing season and less in the winter.
This plant is difficult to grow indoors because of its need for high humidity even in winter. You might try placing the pot on a gravel bed constantly filled with water.
Propagation is by division or by seeds in the spring.
Indoors, the plant may be affected by red spider mites.