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Malvaviscus arboreus
'Sleepy mallow'
Turk's Cap

Malvaviscus arboreus'Sleepy mallow' or Turk's Cap is in the Mallon family and grows accordingly. It generally is used as a shrub or interest plant, many times being a bright red focal point.

Turk's Cap can grow to ten feet and have flowers almost three inches, but has a dropping or droopy effect, which makes it interesting.

This plant readily blooms from April to October and in some very tropical places year round.

Its stems are dense and hairy.

Certainly an interest plant out of its natural growing area. It can be grown in northern zones in containers and protected in the colder months in a greenhouse.


Propagation of this evergreen shrub is by root softwood cutting with bottom heat in springtime or later or with semi-ripe cuttings in the summer.

Turk's cap seed can be sown in the spring time in 65-75 degrees F. Use a moderately gritty sandy mixture. Fertilize monthly. Do not over water. Since the seed pods are produced in the fall, they should be ready by he spring to plant.

The root system is shallow, do not use deep pots.

It may take 2 full seasons before your Turk's cap blooms from seed.

Taking root softwood cuttings and some bottom heat applied or semi-ripe cuttings in the summer will bloom quicker and into a mature plant faster. Depending on your growing season, if you are located where there is a long growing season you may get a bloom the first year.


There is very little plant disease or insect problems, but if grown in the greenhouse look out for mealy bugs, aphids, and spider mites.